Medicare Part B premiums to rise 52% for 7 million enrollees

70% of Medicare beneficiaries will find 2016 to be much like 2015 in terms of their health benefits. They will pay $104.90 per month for their Medicare Part B premium — just like 2015.

But for the other 30% — roughly 7 million or so Americans – 2016 may be quite different.

That’s because premiums for individuals could increase a jaw-dropping 52% to $159.30 per month ($318.60 for married couples). And for individuals whose incomes exceed certain thresholds, premiums could rise to anywhere from $223.00 per month up to $509.80 (or $446 to $1,019.60 for married couples), depending on their incomes.

What gives? Blame the “hold harmless” provision in the law that addresses cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for Social Security benefits.

That law limits the dollar increase in the premium to the dollar increase in an individual’s Social Security benefit, according to a report by Alicia Munnell of the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.


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Open Enrollment for 2025 for Individuals is October 15th through December 16th and Annual Enrollment for 2025 for Medicare is October 15th through December 7th. Please contact us to discuss your options!