Idaho Legislature to give health exchange to Feds

One aspect of the national healthcare law passed in 2010 is the implementation of health insurance exchanges where individuals and small businesses can shop for, compare and purchase health insurance. These health exchanges must be in place by 2014.

The federal government encourages, and will contribute significant funding for, the implementation of state-based exchanges. Idaho must show that it has taken steps to put this process in place by January 1, 2013 to ensure it establishes and maintains the exchange. If we do not, the federal government will intervene and set up the Idaho exchange.

This would give the federal government unprecedented control over our state’s insurance market.

We feel strongly that the people most affected by an Idaho health insurance exchange should be in charge of creating and maintaining that exchange. States are already the primary regulators of the insurance market and have the infrastructure and highly trained staff to design, oversee and enforce these regulations. A federally-run exchange would splinter insurance functions between the state and federal government, adding complexity and cost to an already complex situation.

The time to act is now. While questions surround the implementation of exchanges and healthcare reform in general, we must take steps to develop a state-based exchange to ensure Idahoans are clearly represented when deciding what an Idaho exchange will look like. Delaying a decision would take control away from the people of Idaho and deliver more power to the federal government, potentially adding regulations that will impact you, your clients and the people of Idaho.

We encourage you to join a coalition of local business leaders, brokers, health insurance companies and healthcare providers in supporting the efforts of a state-based exchange. You can find out more information and join the coalition at Through this website you can also contact your local legislators, asking them to support passage of state exchange legislation.

We must let them know that control of an Idaho health insurance exchange belongs with the people of Idaho.

If you have any questions, please contact your local District Office.

For more information on Idaho’s Health Exchange please give us a call at 208-377-7101.

Paul King and Charlotte Hildebrandt
1650 Albright Ln #101
Boise, Idaho 83709


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