​ACA insurance is getting cheaper!

78% of states are seeing a drop in health insurance premiums through the health insurance marketplace. Last year there was an over estimation on how much healthcare would cost, and next year we will see it balance out. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/premiums-for-popular-aca-health-insurance-dip-for-the-first-time/2018/10/11/8cee9e50-ccd4-11e8-920f-dd52e1ae4570_story.html?utm_term=.7f1a93dde882

​You Get What You Pay For!

There are new plans on the marketplace; they are short-term and limited duration insurance plans. While the idea of cheaper health insurance is appealing, the cost-benefit may not be worth it. These plans allow health insurance companies to not cover many things, including preexisting conditions or medications. Many wont cover anything until the deductable is […]

Medical Hacking is a Problem

Between 2010 and 2017 there were 2,149 data breaches from healthcare organizations, with an uptick since 2015. 110.4 million patient records may have been compromised. These breaches often involve unsecured computer networks, desktop computers, laptops, electronic health records, and email. When working with a doctor, ask them if your information is protected and what steps […]

Wal-Mart: Healthcare Provider

Walmart has one of the nation’s leading pharmacies. However, their competitor, CVS, purchased Aetna which is one of the largest health insurance companies. To stay relevent, Walmart is looking into expanding their services to include full fledged doctor’s offices. They are also looking into offering nutrition, weight counseling, and chronic pain management. To do this, […]

“Short-term health plans” not received well

Last month the Trump administration announced that “short-term health plans”. These healthcare plans are non-ACA compliant healthcare plans, meaning they are not required to cover prescriptions, maternity care, mental health, or preexisting conditions. The Trump administration has said the market is going wild over these plans, but in reality health insurance companies have been slow […]

Major insurance company takes on the opioid epidemic

Legal opioids, such as OxyCotin, are fairly easy to get from a doctor. Many doctors will keep refilling these prescriptions indefinitely. The problem? These drugs are highly addictive and very dangerous. More than 72,000 Americans died from opioid related drug overdoses in 2017. Its no secret that there’s an opioid epidemic. Even Donald Trump declared […]

Boise man sues big pharma

Pharmaceutical companies such as Purdue, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Cephalon, Jassen, McKenson, Johnson & Johnson, and several other companies are being sued by Eli Medina, a Boise resident. He claims that these companies enable the makers and sellers of opioids, which lead to other medical complications, which make health insurance premiums rise. Medina beleives that these […]

More are signing up for health insurance

Over the last year, a million more people were able to sign up for health insurance, in no small part to the Affordable Care Act. In fact, since 2010, 20.3 million people were able to get health insurance. However, Idaho remains among the states that have some of the higher insuranceless rates. Nationally, 1/8 of […]

Prop. 2

In 2012, the Supreme Court ruled in NFIB v. Sebelius that the federal government could not withhold funds from states for not accepting extra medicaid funds that were provided by the Affordable Care Act. The states had the option to accept them or not. These extra funds would give medicaid to those under 65 and […]

Industry reaction to the new short-term healthcare plans

​Last week we saw the new ruling on short-term healthcare coverage. The president said insurance companies were “going wild” over this new law, but in reality they are being cautious. Many big name players in the insurance world have said they are taking their time in designing new plans. We may not even see them […]

Open enrollment for individuals and families and annual enrollment for Medicare has ended.
Please contact us if you believe you qualify for a special enrollment period, have recently lost coverage, or are new to Medicare