Get Ahead of the Open Enrollment Curve
Preparations for the open enrollment and Medicare enrollment season are already underway. Not thinking about this yet? You should. The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) goes into effect January 1, 2020. What does that mean for you? MACRA legislation reached a compromise that targets first dollar coverage for Medicare supplement for […]
Dead Tree Limbs: Be Aware of Potential Hazards!
During this springtime, it’s important to note several safety items while attempting to remove dead limbs from your property. If you’re wanting to shave off some dead tree limbs, it will be important to know what is under, around and near any falling limb from a tree. Time and time again, we get calls about […]
Get Ahead of the Wet Season!
With Spring comes a whole host of exciting changes. One of them: the change from a wet to dry climate. For the Treasure Valley and other areas around the state, too much of a good thing can be a problem, as the water is unable to be soaked up by the hard, winterized ground. This […]
Know When to Purchase Flood Insurance
What a crazy winter it has been, first it looked as if we weren’t going to be getting hardly any snow. The story has now changed, and we are looking at quite a bit of water sitting up on our hills and mountains! What does this mean? First, it will mean a very green spring. […]
ACA insurance is getting cheaper!
78% of states are seeing a drop in health insurance premiums through the health insurance marketplace. Last year there was an over estimation on how much healthcare would cost, and next year we will see it balance out.
You Get What You Pay For!
There are new plans on the marketplace; they are short-term and limited duration insurance plans. While the idea of cheaper health insurance is appealing, the cost-benefit may not be worth it. These plans allow health insurance companies to not cover many things, including preexisting conditions or medications. Many wont cover anything until the deductable is […]
Medical Hacking is a Problem
Between 2010 and 2017 there were 2,149 data breaches from healthcare organizations, with an uptick since 2015. 110.4 million patient records may have been compromised. These breaches often involve unsecured computer networks, desktop computers, laptops, electronic health records, and email. When working with a doctor, ask them if your information is protected and what steps […]
Wal-Mart: Healthcare Provider
Walmart has one of the nation’s leading pharmacies. However, their competitor, CVS, purchased Aetna which is one of the largest health insurance companies. To stay relevent, Walmart is looking into expanding their services to include full fledged doctor’s offices. They are also looking into offering nutrition, weight counseling, and chronic pain management. To do this, […]
“Short-term health plans” not received well
Last month the Trump administration announced that “short-term health plans”. These healthcare plans are non-ACA compliant healthcare plans, meaning they are not required to cover prescriptions, maternity care, mental health, or preexisting conditions. The Trump administration has said the market is going wild over these plans, but in reality health insurance companies have been slow […]
Major insurance company takes on the opioid epidemic
Legal opioids, such as OxyCotin, are fairly easy to get from a doctor. Many doctors will keep refilling these prescriptions indefinitely. The problem? These drugs are highly addictive and very dangerous. More than 72,000 Americans died from opioid related drug overdoses in 2017. Its no secret that there’s an opioid epidemic. Even Donald Trump declared […]