IRS Tax Form Information

Click the (red) hyperlinks below to access the form. NOTE: Everyone will be included within one of the following form requirements and/or scenarios:

1094 C
Employer’s form that identifies the Employer and Plan they offer. The Employer sends this to the IRS. (This form is for LARGE GROUP and SELF INSURED plans….50+ as of this date). Must sent by 2-28-16 or 3-31-16 if the group files electronically.

1095 C
Each Employee will receive one of these forms (From their employer) to be filed with their Federal tax return 1040. Groups (50+ as of this date.) Large Group and Self Insured. Must be given to each employee by 1-31-16 for 2015 tax Year.

1095 A
Issued by The “Exchange” for everyone enrolled through a State Exchange or Federal Exchange (with or without receiving a subsidy). This form to be attached to the 2015 Income Tax return in 2016.

1095 B
This form is issued by the “Insurance Company” for everyone covered under a Small Group plan or (Individuals covered “directly enrolled” with an  Insurance Company.) This form will be mailed to each covered individual’s home address on record with the Insurance Company. The small group Employer’s form (1094 B) will be sent directly to the IRS from the Ins. Co.

****All these forms are to inform the IRS regarding QHP health plans and confirm coverage for 2015 so penalties will not have to be paid by individuals who are enrolled in a ACA plan program or a creditable health insurance plan. Some folks may get two or three of a particular form if they have been covered by two or more QHP plans during 2015. Those folks not covered a full 12 months may have some portion of penalties to pay. Those folks under the poverty level can complete form “8965 – Health Coverage Exemption” to avoid any penalties for tax year 2015.


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