Problems Leave Thousands of Idaho Residents In Limbo

The Idaho Statesman is reporting that Idaho officials are helping state enrollees in the Medicaid compoete the enrollment process after having encountered problems with The problems affected “6,000 names in 2,500 households” in Idaho.

The Des Moines (IA) Register is also reporting that 16,000 Iowa residents are in “health-insurance limbo” because Federal files haven’t yet made it into the Iowa Department of Human Services system to be evaluated for Medicaid. Although Iowa expected the files this Wednesday, it has now been told the files should arrive “early next week.”  Some of the files are among some which flagged as possibly qualified for Medicaid or other public insurance.  Regrettably, tens of thousands of people in other states have been caught in the same kind of backup, which has left the applicants temporarily uninsured.


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Open enrollment for individuals and families and annual enrollment for Medicare has ended.
Please contact us if you believe you qualify for a special enrollment period, have recently lost coverage, or are new to Medicare